A major part of the development within all children is school. A balanced curriculum in developing young minds and growing bodies includes a full slate of academics and a moderate regimen of physical education. However, for the asthma-afflicted adolescents, scholastic endeavors can be adversely affected. Consider the impacting adversities that asthma and its associated allergen agitators can have upon the daily routine of a young student. Asthma impairs breathing. The body’s respiratory system risks occasional constriction. Inflammation and the accumulation of excess mucus will develop within the lungs of the affected inpidual. An immense amount of triggers can easily ignite the ill-effects of this disease.
Such asthma agitators can include:
◇ allergens — the core of allergies
◇ cold, warm or moist air
◇ environmental substances (varies widely)
◇ environment tobacco smoke
◇ industrial compounds (chloramines, sulfites)
Notable symptoms of asthma are chest tightness, coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing. Considerable public attention on a world-wide basis has recently been shed upon asthma because of its steady growth among children. Clinical surveys reveal that one in four children residing in urban areas is afflicted with asthma. Another ailment associated with asthma is sleep apnea. This condition interferes greatly with sleep. Where children are concerned, being faced night after night with inconsistent and interrupted sleep robs them of the recuperative and growth-nourishing rest their bodies and minds value and need. Clinical studies and examinations have concluded that asthma can also be linked to atopic constitution and heredity. For example, those children who suffer from either eczema or some allergies are likely to be prone to developing asthma. Another medical study shows that if a child’s family history reveals that one or more family members have or do suffer from asthma, they are then at a higher risk for susceptibility. Asthma’s effects weigh heavily on afflicted children. Due to the infrequent and inconsistent occurrences of the disease both academic and physical education are impaired. Regular attendance is jeopardized in the form of sporadic absences as a result of the more intense and serious bouts. Loss of sleep, hampered attendance, aggravated allergies, adverse environmental exposures, labored breathing, coughing, exhaustion and lack of energy impede significantly in concentration and memory. For asthmatic children the combined strain of this affliction’s effects interrupts attention, focus, retention and consistent study habits. Where structured physical activities are concerned, children with asthma have a hugely immense challenge. Activities that involve either running or fast-paced sports pose risks to trigger the adverse effects of asthma. Cardiovascular-type exercises place a greater intensity of use on the respiratory system. Such physical stress to the airways and lungs of an asthmatic child can launch a sudden attack of asthma. For children suffering from asthma, the benefits of acquiring sporting skills and interactive participation are both impeded and limited. Where swimming is concerned, chlorine found within pools can easily trigger asthma’s ill-effects. Hope does exist for asthma sufferers in courses of treatment. To the betterment of children afflicted with asthma it is possible to achieve a sense of normality. Asthma can be controlled through measures of prevention management. For the asthmatic child, these life-enhancing medical treatment options can instill confidence, relief and success throughout those fundamentally important school years.
The following prescribed medications are among the common varieties utilized in treating the asthma-afflicted:
◇ Inhaled Glucocorticoids
◇ Antimuscarinics/Anticholinergics
MethotrexateIn addition to a program of medical treatment, some necessary lifestyle changes may be advised for asthmatic children. Such changes generally imply the avoidance of certain elements that are viewed as significant triggers of asthma attacks. Bottom line — Should your child be suffering from the intrusively impeding effects of asthma, seek out a health care professional with expertise in the field of allergies and asthma. An optimal and well-rounded scholastic experience for asthmatic children is achievable through tailored, managed and supported treatment measures. Disclaimer: The allergy information on this website is strictly general information and should not be taken as official advice. Please schedule an appointment with an allergy doctor in order to get a proper and full allergy diagnosis. This article was developed by Utah Allergy Associates of Utah and Adaptivity Pro Web Design