
Allergy Testing

Allergy Testing services offered in Sandy and West Jordan, UT

Allergy Testing

Allergies produce irritating symptoms and physical discomfort but can also be frustrating as you untangle the mystery of their root cause. To get answers safely and quickly, schedule allergy testing with the expert team of allergy, asthma, and immunology physicians at Allergy Associates of Utah. Located in Sandy and West Jordan, Utah, the team uses comprehensive, accurate testing options to uncover the cause and severity of your allergic reactions and then personalize a treatment plan to improve your quality of life. Call now or book your consultation with Allergy Associates of Utah online.

What is allergy testing?

If you are allergic to common (or less common) allergens like nuts, pet dander, insect stings, and so on, allergy testing takes the guesswork out of your health.

These tests check how you respond to substances using safe and controlled methods. By exposing you to small amounts of different allergens, Allergy Associates of Utah can diagnose your allergies and determine the cause of troublesome symptoms.

What allergies does allergy testing reveal?

Allergy Associates of Utah can determine if you are allergic or sensitive to various allergens, such as:

  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Latex
  • Bee stings
  • Pet dander
  • Specific foods

Untreated allergies can lead to severe reactions, including anaphylaxis. Allergy shots can help reduce the severity of many reactions, particularly those caused by environmental allergens. Your Allergy Associates of Utah provider can help you find a good alternative if you have a food allergy.

What are the different types of allergy testing?

Your allergist may use different types of allergy tests, such as:

Skin prick or skin scratch test

During this test, your provider carefully pricks your forearm or back with a thin needle, lightly puncturing the skin and exposing it to potential allergens. This test is a good way to check for allergies to food, penicillin, or airborne irritants.

Intradermal skin test

Your provider may inject a small amount of a potential allergen into your top layer of skin if a skin prick test produces inconclusive results. This intradermal skin test can reveal allergies to insect stings or medications.

Patch test

Patch tests can reveal the causes of contact dermatitis. The team applies traces of allergens to your skin and covers the area with a bandage for 48-96 hours. Then, they check for signs of rashes or reactions.

Blood test

Allergy Associates of Utah takes a small sample of your blood and sends it to a lab to test how it responds to allergens.

Oral challenge test

If your provider suspects you are allergic to a particular food, they may supervise you ingesting a small amount to ensure immediate care, monitor reactions, and safely provide answers.

Call the Allergy Associates of Utah office or book online today to schedule your consultation and discuss your best allergy testing options.