Summertime Allergies (May-July)
Grass pollen is usually what causes late spring and early summer allergies. Grass pollen is highest at these times, although grass can cause allergies through much of the year if someone is mowing the lawn or touches grasses they are allergic to, which can cause hives. Below is a list of common allergy causing grasses. Bermuda Brome Johnson Meadow Fescue Orchard Red Top Rye Timothy Wild Oat Grasses can be divided into two major classes, northern and southern grasses. Northern grasses are common in colder climates, and include timothy, rye, orchard, sweet vernal, red top and blue grasses. Southern grasses are present in warmer climates, with Bermuda grass being the major grass in this category. Weed pollen is most common during late summer and early fall.