
Common Utah Pollens

If you are in the Salt Lake City Utah area and you can schedule an allergy doctor appointment or contact us with any of your allergy related questions. After months of snow, sleet and hail, Spring is a welcome presence in the state of Utah. However if you, like thousands of others, suffer from Allergic Rhinitis, then onset of Spring weather does not come without drawbacks. The warmth brings a promise of new growth, greenery and yes, pollen. Allergy season in Utah starts in February with tree pollens and dies out with the last of the weeds with the first hard frost. Unfortunately, Utah is particularly prone to allergens due to our notoriously hot, dry climate. Extended periods of warm weather accompanied by wind and low humidity provide the perfect condition for allergic irritants. In Utah trees pollinate between February and May. The most common tree allergies in Utah are caused by: Maple Popler Ash Cottonwood Birch Walnut Juniper Acacia Mesquite Alder Box Elder Mulberry Sycamore Elm Cypress Oak Maple Cedar Tree pollens reduce their prominence just in time for grass allergy season to start causing allergic symptoms. Grass allergies are generally most problematic between May and July. The highest pollen counts for grasses are generally attributed to: Bermuda grass Meadow fescue Brome Orchard grass Wild oat Timothy Red top Johnson Rye Weed pollens can be aggravating to allergy sufferers from July through November or the first hard frost. The most problematic weeds are: Ragweed False Ragweed Pigweed Careless weed Sagebrush Tumbleweed Cocklebur Yellow dock Marsh elder Lambs quarter As a general rule, the brighter the plant, the less likely it is to be causing your allergy. It is also of note that Kentucky Bluegrass, the most common lawn grass in Utah, is not known to be highly allergenic and is not posted on lists of the most problematic plants for allergy sufferers. Pollen count, which is the average number of pollen grains per cubic meter of air, are quite often announced on the news during the weather reports. This helps allergy sufferers to make plans to avoid unnecessary exposure to plants which may cause their allergy symptoms. As a general rule, pollen counts are highest on warm, dry, breezy mornings and lower on cool, rainy days. A high pollen count indicates a higher risk of allergies. A medium pollen count indicates that, in general, most allergy sensitive people will be affected. A low pollen count indicates that only those who are highly sensitive to pollens will have a problem. Learning about the various seasons and plants that are native to Utah will allow you to more easily prevent and treat your allergy symptoms. Sources: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Protection Agency, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, American Lung Association, Medlineplus.gov, Foodallergies .org, enotalone.com, intermountainallergy.com, allergyescape.com, acaai.org, medicinenet.com, ncs.gov.
Seasonal allergies, also known as hayfever, are quite common in the state of Utah. Seasonal allergies are caused by airborne pollens and are usually present during specific seasons. If you are only allergic to one type of pollen, you may only get allergy symptoms during the springtime, for example. Whereas if you are allergic to several different pollens you many have allergy symptoms during the Spring, Summer and Fall. Most people with seasonal allergies will not get symptoms in the wintertime, since the pollen count is very low during that time of year. If you experience allergy symptoms all year long, then you may have a perennial allergy, such as pet dander or house dust mite. That is different than having hayfever which is caused by pollen produced by trees, weeds and grasses. Seasonal allergies have been known to cause asthma. If your allergies ever make you feel short of breath or wheezy, it is very important that you consult your regular physician, as well as your allergy doctor, in order to get the proper treatment. One commonality among most allergy medications is a risk of drowsiness. You may experience drowsiness, dizziness, or just feel mentally foggy. It is imperative that you do not drive or operate machinery until you know how a particular medication may affect you.

What Exactly is Pollen?

Pollens are tiny round grains grown by flowering plants in order to reproduce. Pollens are designed to be so small that they can be carried around in the wind or by insects. Pollens that float in the air are what cause seasonal allergies. They can get in your eyes, nose, lungs and skin and set off an allergic reaction. Pollens from bright, colorful flowers, such as roses, do not usually cause allergies because their pollen is spread by insects, rather than floating in the air

Springtime Allergies (February to May)

Spring allergies are usually caused by pollen from trees. In Utah, tree pollen season can start between March through June. Here is a list of common trees that can cause severe allergic symptoms. Acacia Alder Ash Birch Box Elder Cedar Cottonwood Cypress Elm Hickory Juniper Maple Mesquite Mulberry Oak Poplar Russian Olive Sycamore Walnut Willow

Summertime Allergies (May-July)

Grass pollen is usually what causes late spring and early summer allergies. Grass pollen is highest at these times, although grass can cause allergies through much of the year if someone is mowing the lawn or touches grasses they are allergic to, which can cause hives. Below is a list of common allergy causing grasses. Bermuda Brome Johnson Meadow Fescue Orchard Red Top Rye Timothy Wild Oat Grasses can be divided into two major classes, northern and southern grasses. Northern grasses are common in colder climates, and include timothy, rye, orchard, sweet vernal, red top and blue grasses. Southern grasses are present in warmer climates, with Bermuda grass being the major grass in this category. Weed pollen is most common during late summer and early fall.

Fall Allergies (July-Frost)

Burning bush Careless Weed Cocklebur English Plantain False Ragweed Greasewood Iodine Bush Kochia Lambs quarters Marsh Elder Pigweed Ragweed Sagebrush Tumbleweed (Russian thistle) Yellow Dock Disclaimer: The allergy information on this website is strictly general information and should not be taken as official advice. Please schedule an appointment with an allergy doctor in order to get a proper and full allergy diagnosis. This article was developed by Utah Allergy Associates of Utah and Adaptivity Pro SEO Services